無錫市偉遠紡機有限公司與無錫達尼智能科技有限公司的SFERA PLUS 智能節(jié)能控制系統(tǒng)介紹如下在不知道實際織物的溫度和實際停留時間的情況下,操作工將織物停留在烘箱內
Without knowing the real fabric temperature, and the real dwell-time, the operator leaves the fabric too much time
into your stenter, much longer than really needed.
如果您每月生產 1000,000 米的面料,而您安裝了這套 SFERA PLUS,那么僅將速
度提高 1m / min(即:從 20m / min 到 21m / min = + 5%),您最終將增加產量 5%,
即每月 50,000 米;以每米 1.0 元的價格,每月將增加 50,000 元無需額外費用!
If you produce 1000,000 meters of fabric per month, and with your new SFERA PLUS you increase the speed, let's say,
of 1m/min only (i.e.: from 20m/min to 21m/min = +5%) you will get a 5 % increase of end product, which means 50,000
meters per month ; this sold at 1.0 CN$ per meter, will bring you an increase of 50,000 CN$ per month ... with no
additional costs !